Hiring freezes sweep over tech as recession looms. That may do more harm than good

Fortune.com Geoff Colvin, editor at large interviewed Brian Formato for this article. Below is an excerpt and link to the full article.

“If someone quits on you, then what happens?” So asks Brian Formato, CEO of the HR consulting firm Groove Management. “Are you not allowed to backfill the role? In a number of instances, the company says no, you can’t.” Making matters worse, the employees most likely to leave are typically the best performers because they're the ones who can most easily find employment elsewhere, even in today’s tightfisted environment.

Read the full article: Hiring Freezes

Brian Formato

Brian Formato is the founder and CEO of Groove Management an organizational development and human capital consulting firm.  Additionally, Brian is the Founder and President of LeaderSurf a leadership development provider of experiential learning programs.


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